Is a katubah a legal document
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To provide that, the rabbis enacted the ketubah, a legal document recording the obligations of a husband to his wife during their marriage: "I will work for thee, Since [the ketubah] was a legal document and had to be understood by both parties, it was written in Aramaic, the vernacular in talmudic times. We hold that, in this case, as a matter of law, the ketubah does not constitute an enforceable What's a ketubah? One of the requirements of a Jewish marriage is a legal document called a ketubah, from the Hebrew root meaning 'written.' The traditional Feb 10, 2013 - If the Ketubah would be taken seriously, as an enforceable legal document then there would be fewer agunot, "chained" women awaitingA ketubah (Hebrew: ?????????? ; "written thing"; pl. This form is still May 14, 2012 - Under Jewish law a marriage can be dissolved only with the transfer from the husband to the wife of a document called a get. Find the answer to this and other Legal questions on JustAnswer. However, many people view the ketubah more as a quaint symbol of the marriage ritual rather than as a legally enforceable document. The ketubah is a unilateral agreement drawn by witnesses in accordance with In this manner, a strictly legal document with detailed monetary conditions was In Israel, Orthodox ketubahs are still legally binding documents. Outside of Israel, a state license is required and the Ketubah is seen as a spiritual document. Question - Is a Ketubah (a jewish wedding document) considered a legal - I0. ketubot) is a special type of requirements by Halakha (Jewish law) of a Jewish husband vis a vis his wife. What happens, however,.
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